A Metric is a measure of performance. The dashboard provides a quick view of your key metrics. You can click on a metric to see detailed results.

NOTE: To see a Wallboard view of your metrics (full-screen view), click the View Wallboard link. See View Metrics as a Wallboard for more information.

Add a Metric

  1. Within the Metrics section of the dashboard, click the gear icon () and select Manage Metrics.
  2. Click the plus sign in the Metrics section.
  3. Select from Prebuilt metrics (if available) or click Custom to create your own metrics.
  4. For custom metrics, select the type of metric you want to create (i.e., "Single Value").
  5. Click Next.
  6. You will be prompted to make selections based on the type of metric you selected. For example, if you selected the "Single Value" metric you will need to select the Smart Filter to be used in the metric.
  7. Once you have made all your selections, click Add. The metric appears in the Metrics section. 
  8. Click Done.

Rearrange Metrics

  1. Within the Metrics section of the dashboard, click the gear icon () and select Manage Metrics.
  2. Click and drag the metrics into the proper order.
  3. Click Done

Delete a Metric

  1. Within the Metrics section of the dashboard, click the gear icon () and select Manage Metrics.
  2. Click the  next to the metric and select Delete. The metric no longer appears in the Metrics section.

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