A Location is the specific place used to put away (store), pick (retrieve), and replenish (refill) items that you stock in your warehouse. Every place an item could be placed needs to have a location in the system.
Locations are differentiated by addresses. Addresses are typically alphanumeric schemes made up of location attributes. For example: An address of S PR-100-1-103 indicates the following location: South Warehouse (S), Pallet Rack Zone (PR), Aisle 100, Level 1, Location Number 103. Location addresses can be simple or complex, depending upon your warehouse structure.
You can create locations one at a time or build multiple locations (i.e., all locations in an Aisle) using the Location Builder.
When creating locations, consider these location attributes:
Location Footprint represents the
physical dimensions of the location assignment in the warehouse (width, depth,
height). For example, the footprint for a small shelf in your warehouse may be 12 x 18 x 22. See Create / Edit Location Footprints.
- Location Billing Types can be used to assign a cost to storage of an item. These are typically used by third-party logistics providers. See Create / Edit Location Billing Types.
- A Location Address Scheme can be used by the “Location Builder” process to create multiple location addresses. See Create / Edit Location Address Schemes.