If an order exists in Infoplus, but you ship the order outside of Infoplus (i.e., through the FedEx website), you can create and execute an External Shipment in Infoplus to update the order record and create a related Parcel Shipment record. This allows you to track orders and shipments using Infoplus even when an order was originally shipped outside of the system.

To create an External Shipment on an order, the order must have been processed, meaning inventory has been allocated to the order. 

You can create an External Shipment on one order at a time or Bulk Load External Shipment records from a csv or Excel file.

Create External Shipment

  1. Access the "External Shipment" Table. Two methods:
    From the Dashboard: Click the “Warehouse Operations” tab, click the “Fulfillment” App, then click the “External Shipment” Table.
    From the Quick Actions shortcut: Press a dot (period) on your keyboard, then select “External Shipment” from the list of Quick Actions.

  2. Click the Create New button in the top right. The "Creating New External Shipment" screen appears.

  3. Enter the Order number you want to create the External Shipment for into the Order No field.

  4. Select a Carrier for the order. If the Carrier selected here is different from the Carrier listed on the order, the order record will be updated once this External Shipment is executed.

  5. Enter the associated Tracking Number for the shipment into the Tracking No field.

  6. Select a Parcel AccountIf the Parcel Account selected here is different from the Parcel Account listed on the order, the order record will be updated once this External Shipment is executed.

  7. Complete the remaining fields as needed.
    - If you do not specify a Freight Amount, a default value of $0.00 will be used.
    - If you do not specify a Weight, a default weight of 0 lbs will be used.
    - If you do not specify a Residential value, "True" will be the default indicating the shipment went to a residential location.

  8. Click Save. The External Shipment record is saved.  Now you can Execute the External Shipment.

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