You will likely create several smart filters in Infoplus. Having a proper smart filter Name and Description helps you quickly determine what the smart filter is intended to display. Descriptive information is particularly helpful when sharing smart filters

Here is a sample smart filter Name and Description:

Add a Description and Edit a Smart Filter's Name

  1. Access the Manage Smart Filters screen. 
    From within a table, select Smart Filters > Manage Smart Filters; or 
    From a page displaying the Favorite Smart Filters section, click the gear icon () next to the section and select Manage Smart Filters

  2. Rest your mouse on the Smart Filter and click the double arrows icon () that displays at the end of the record.

  3. Click Edit. The Editing Smart Filter window appears. 

  4. Edit the smart filter's Name and/or Description.

  5. Click OK

    NOTE: To view a smart filter's criteria in the Manage Smart Filters window, click on the Smart Filter Name. A blue popup will list the smart filter criteria. Here's an example:

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