The Infoplus team is dedicated to being friendly, helpful and highly responsive to customer requests, questions and issues. This is especially so in the event of a major event such as customer down or system down. Infoplus fosters a culture of accountability and care for our customers.

Infoplus uses a best-in-class combination of:

    • An Online Support Ticketing Service (FreshDesk)

    • An Automated On-call system (OpsGenie) coupled with a regular rotation policy

    • A Systems health notification system (CloudWatch)

    • An internal escalation procedure for how to behave for every known level and type of issue, from minor to catastrophic

    • An ongoing training regiment for staff to marry technology tools with personal accountability

About Support Tickets

Infoplus uses an online Support Ticketing Service to manage questions and issues. Customers are educated in the Infoplus Knowledge Base on how to contact us.

  • Infoplus customers may submit a new Support Ticket without having to sign up or log in to the Support Site. 

  • Customers can sign up for the Infoplus Support Site in order to track progress of their ticket. 

  • Customers are able to log in at anytime to view progress and communicate with a Support Specialist. 

  • Customers who submit a Support Ticket will immediately receive an automated email response setting expectations for how their ticket is being handled and how to communicate with the Infoplus Support staff.

  • The indications of how quickly the Support staff will respond is based on the priority set by the customer when they submit their support ticket.

Support Ticket Priority Rankings

Infoplus uses priority levels to give your ticket the proper attention. Customers may choose from these selections when he/she submits a Support Ticket

  • Low: No Business Impact: Use for a question, comment, feature request, or a non-impacting issue. Resolution expected within 8 business days.

  • Medium: Minimal Business Impact: Use to report a non-critical bug or problem. Resolution expected within 4 business days.

  • High: Significant Business Impact: Use for a major issue that severely impacts business. Resolution expected within 2 business days.

If you select Low, Medium, or High priority, you will be contacted during regular business hours (Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm CT) within the time specified.

Level of Priority

Level of effort will be based on the priority. It is possible that a Support Ticket marked as a particular priority may be moved up to be a higher priority, or it could be changed to a lower priority. In this instance, the customer who submitted the ticket will be notified with an explanation as to why the priority has changed.

Similarly, the client may also change the priority of a Support Ticket they submit after by logging into the Support Site and changing their ticket.

Support Follow-up

A Support Specialist will follow-up with the customer on new Support Tickets within the time specified by the priority. For those items that require Engineering support to resolve, the Support Specialist will submit the ticket into the Infoplus internal issue system (Jira as a Tier 3) to ensure proper Engineering attention.

Time required to close a ticket will depend on each individual situation. The entire Infoplus team will work diligently to resolve tickets in a timely manner appropriate to the level of issue.

Systems Monitoring

Infoplus uses a systems health measurement tool (CloudWatch) to monitor system performance. If performance dips below a preset level, this on-call notification system (OpsGenie) will automatically activate and alert our on-call staff. The on-call notification system uses a tiered approach that continues to contact more and more staff members until it alerts top tier management. This ensures that a serious situation does not get missed and is handled appropriately. The key purpose of systems monitoring is to catch and correct potential system issues before the customer is impacted.

Infoplus also maintains a public Status webpage that can be used in two ways: 

  • Infoplus uses this page as public facing communication of its internal monitoring and posts both automated and manual updates here when an issue arises.

  • Customers may visit this page for updates on any performance issues that may be occurring in real-time. Customers may subscribe to be proactively notified of issues.

Planning for Scenarios

Typical scenarios are documented ahead of experiencing an emergency situation so that the team is informed on what to do next and who should be contacted. If a new situations may arise, Infoplus will properly document a new procedure for handling it, ensure it’s adding to escalation plan, and train staff.


In the event of a system-wide outage, our on-call notification system (OpsGenie), will automatically activate and alert our on-call staff. As with systems monitoring, the on-call notification system uses a tiered approach that continues to contact more and more staff members until it goes to our top tier management. This ensures that a serious situation does not get missed and is handled appropriately.

In the case of a catastrophic event, the entire Infoplus staff will be called in to assist with both issue resolution and communications until it is remedied.


For all Support Tickets, communications will be managed through our online Support Ticketing System with our Support Specialists. 

Each situation may warrant a unique communication plan. Infoplus will leverage our early warning tools to identify the type of situation quickly and get communications out to the right people at the right time so that everyone can be aware of status and next steps.

Communications may be sent to customers giving them a status update regardless of whether a resolution has been identified. Infoplus’ policy is to be honest and open, and give as much helpful information as possible during times of escalation.