A Cycle Count is a physical count of inventory in your warehouse at a specified time. You may count only a portion of your warehouse's inventory or the entire inventory. A common cycle count occurs on a warehouse's entire inventory once a month. As a regular practice, it is important to count your inventory. A discrepancy between your physical warehouse inventory and the inventory within Infoplus is bound to occur due to human error within the warehouse over time.

Cycle counts are repeatable, and it is common practice to have a standard cycle in which inventory is counted. Fast-moving items may be counted every month, or high-value items may be counted every week. Different parts of your warehouse may be subject to different cycle counts.

Note: At this time, the Cycle Counts process is not available via an Infoplus API call. 

Step 1: Run a Cycle Count for a Location

Cycle Counts can be initiated via the location table.  You'll want to navigate to the location table, select the locations that you wish to cycle count, then run the "Create Cycle Count Work" process from the actions menu.

Note: The cycle count work tickets will be created in the same order as the locations are presented in the Location table. Users may want to filter or organize the location table prior to initiating the cycle count process.

Upon initiating this process, you'll be asked to specify an auto adjustment tolerance and a max work batch size.

  • Auto Adjustment Tolerance: Entered as a percentagefor the 'acceptable' variance from the expected count for an item in a location.
    • If the actual count is outside the thresholds when you find the work in the mobile app, a few things might occur:
      • Inventory adjustments cannot be performed
      • The cycle count status will be set to "Outside Threshold"
      • A manual adjustment will need to be performed by a supervisor to adjust the location inventory level
    • Auto Adjustment Tolerance is an optional field. If not entered, you will be able to adjust, edit count, or skip adjustment if the entered quantity is off from the expected count.

  • Max Work Batch Size:The number of cycle count tickets that appear in a work batch
    • This allows splitting up the work batches into numbers that allow utilizing multiple personnel to complete them.

Step 2: Count Items in Locations via the Find Work Table in the Mobile Apps

Once you complete the cycle count work batch go to the 'Find Work' table in the Mobile Floor Apps to enter the cycle count data that will complete the process.

  • Note, if not scanning, type in the location, click 'Enter' to continue to the next step.

When Finding Work in the Mobile Floor Apps:

Step 1: Select Work>Find Work>Select the correct warehouse for the cycle count location ran>Click "Select Batch"

Step 2: Click Start Work

Step 3: Scan or type in the Location and then physically go to that location and count all the inventory and enter in that quantity exactly. 

    Note: Infoplus automatically takes into account any items in this location that are on-order in the Outstanding Pick      Quantity

Step 4: If the count is off from what Infoplus expected, a few things can happen: 

  • If it's within the threshold (set on the location table) -- you will have the option to adjust the inventory to match the number Infoplus has on record
  • If it's not within the threshold, you can NOT adjust
    • Example: Infoplus records 100 items in Location A. User counts 90 items in Location A. If the threshold is 10% or greater, you will have the option to adjust the inventory to reflect the 100 Infoplus has recorded and accept the loss. If a user counts something outside of the threshold, such as 75, you will not be offered the option to adjust the inventory
  • If you did not set a threshold percentage on the location table and the count is off, you have three options: Adjust Inventory, Skip Adjustment, and Manually Edit the Count 

What is Outstanding Pick Quantity: If you have orders in fulfillment that will impact the count of a SKU in a location when you perform the work to verify the Cycle Counts in the Mobile Apps, it will show this number as the Outstanding Pick Quantity. See Screenshot Below:

Pro Tip: When running a Cycle Count, be sure to enter the exact quantity on hand but after it runs, go check the location to verify the quantity is still the same as what was entered in the cycle count. If it is not, inventory needs to be adjusted. 

Follow Up

If you have any manual adjustments that you need to make once you have completed your cycle counts, one approach is to enter the information for those adjustments into an Excel spreadsheet, then quickly create and execute inventory adjustments in Infoplus. Use the Bulk Load Quick Adjustments tool to do this.

Note: If you are doing your cycle counts at a time you have open pick work, there is a chance you will subject yourself to additional inventory discrepancies. Keep this in mind.

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