If you need to get multiple Items into Infoplus, put the data into an Excel or .csv file and then upload the file into Infoplus using the Bulk Load Items process.

The Bulk Load process will allow you to map your source file's fields to Infoplus fields with a variety of options.


Below is a list of the required fields for uploading Items into Infoplus. Your spreadsheet must contain a column for each of these fields. NOTE: This list of the required fields, as well as a downloadable template, are available after you select the Bulk Load action in the Order table. 

  • Major Group
  • Sub Group
  • SKU
  • Item Description
  • Backorder
  • Charge Code
  • Critical Amount
  • Max Cycle
  • Max Interim
  • Status
  • Seasonal Item
  • Secure
  • Serial Code
  • Unit Code
  • Units per Wrap
  • Wrap Code
  • Forward Lot Mixing Rule
  • Storage Lot Mixing Rule
  • Allocation Rule

For information on creating the bulk load source file, see Create a Bulk Load Source File

  1. Access the "Item" table. Two methods:
    - From the Dashboard: Click the “Warehouse Operations" tab, click the “Item Management” App, then click the “Item” Table.
    From the Quick Actions shortcut: Press a dot (period) on your keyboard, then select “Item” from the list of Quick Actions

  2. Click the Actions button and select Bulk Load. The Choose Options step of the Item Bulk Load process appears.

  3. Select the Line of Business (LOB) where the items are to be uploaded.


  4. Click Next. The Upload File step displays.

    NOTE: When working through the Bulk Load steps, clicking the browser's Back button will take you out of the Bulk Load and return you to the table. You cannot use the back button to move back a step in the process.

  5. Either drag and drop the file to be uploaded onto the icon, or click the Select File link to select a file on your computer. NOTE: If you have not yet created your bulk load file, see Create a Bulk Load Source File for help.

  6. After loading the file, click Next. The Map Columns step in the process appears. 

  7. Work through each field, working from left to right, to consider your mapping options and make the proper selections. 

    If you saved a profile (which also saves all selections in the "Map Values" screen), click the 
    Saved Profiles drop-down menu and select the Saved Profile. 

    NOTE: If you have not saved a profile and would like to save the mapping you are currently developing, you will have a chance to do so in upcoming steps. 


    "Destination Field in Infoplus" (First column)
    - These are the fields available in an Item record in Infoplus.

    "Column From Your File" (Second column)
    - Select the column from your source file that should be mapped to the Infoplus field on its left. If a field in your source file has the same name as an Infoplus field, it will automatically be selected for you. You can override any automatic selections if necessary. Asterisks (*) indicate required fields for the upload.

    "Default Value" (Third column)
    - If your source file does not contain a column of information that needs to be uploaded, the column is blank, or you want to override existing values in your source file, select a Default Value for the column.
    NOTE: When you are uncertain as to how Infoplus reads a field, and all of your records have the same data in the field, selecting a Default Value is recommended.
    For example, if the "Unit Code" is "Each" for every record you are uploading, select a Default Value from the list of Infoplus values. The screenshot below shows the Default Value selection for the Unit Code field.

    When the above data is uploaded, every record’s Unit Code field will display the Default Infoplus value selected.

    NOTE: If the column in your source file contains values, you cannot select to map the column AND select a Default Value. You need to do one or the other. To “unmap” a column, click the X next to the field name in the “Column From Your File” section. 

    "Map Values" 
    (Fourth column containing checkboxes)
    - The Map Values checkbox allows you to connect values from your source file to values in Infoplus. For example, perhaps you indicate a Y or N in the Backorder field in your source file (to indicate whether an item can be placed on backorder), but you're not sure how Infoplus wants to see those values. To avoid having to edit your source file to match what Infoplus wants, you can connect your values to Infoplus values by clicking the Map Values checkbox next to the field. After clicking Next, you will be presented with a screen to map each field where you selected the Map Values checkbox.

  8. After making your mapping selections, click Next. If you had selected any of the Map Values checkboxes, a Map Values screen will appear for each checkbox selected. From the drop-down menu(s), select the appropriate Infoplus value(s) for each source file value. Here's an example of the Map Values screen for the Backorder field:

    In the above example, the Backorder field in the source file contains N's and Y's.
    When Infoplus encounters one of these values, it will know to use the Infoplus value of No or Yes. 
    NOTE: You can map up to 100 variations in a field.

    Another example of using the Map Values checkbox is if a field in your source file contains a “Y”, but the Infoplus field is looking for the full word “Yes”. You can map a value of “Y” to a value of “Yes”.

  9. After making any Map Values selections (if required), click Next. The Review screen will appear.

    The “All” tab displays the results of each record in your data source. You can narrow your view of results by clicking on the other tabs (OK, Warning and Error). In the example above, all records were OK, so the results indicate that the items will be inserted. Common errors involve missing required fields or unknown values in fields. Some errors may require you to edit your source file, but many can be fixed with proper mapping selections (see Step 7 above). You will need to start the upload process over to fix mapping selections.

  10. If you would like to save your mapping selections to be used on a future mapping of records to this Table, click the Click Here link at the top of the window.

     The Save As screen appears:

    Enter a name for the Profile (i.e., Item Upload) and click 
    Save. The next time you perform an upload and you want to use similar mapping, you can select the Profile during the Map Columns step of the process. NOTE: You can make mapping edits after selecting the profile, and you will have an opportunity to save your changes in the Review screen.

  11. To perform the upload, click Submit. The Confirmation screen will appear with the final results. 

  12. The upload is complete, you can return to the table or elsewhere in Infoplus.


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