Calculate Entire Order Estimated Weight

This is done using the quantity of the items * the Weight per Wrap from the Item Receipt it allocated from.  

Infoplus calculates the estimated weight by taking the number of items in a pallet and multiplying it by the weight of each item. 

    Pro Tip: Infoplus calculates the estimated weight by taking the number of units and multiplying it by its weight. If         

    items have a default weight set, then every item receipt for that item will assume that weight unless 

    otherwise specified.

For example, if you have 5 items and they all weigh 1lb, you just received 5lbs (even though they weigh 1lb individually). 

If someone orders 2 of the 5lbs, Infoplus knows that 2lbs got added to that order based on unit weights. 

Calculate Entire Order Estimated Weight Tolerances
Estimated Weight
0 to 20Estimated weight + 1
2 to 26Estimated weightEstimated weight + (2 * Number of Cartons)
26 to 900Estimated weightEstimated weight + (3 * Number of Cartons)
900 to *Estimated weightEstimated weight + (.15% of Estimated) + (3 * Number of Cartons)