Use Case:  For any Orders from your Shopify site, if they have a "shipping code" of "Priority", update them to ship from warehouse 47.

Infoplus stores all data available from the Shopping Cart's API when it pulls orders.  These data all go into the order's "extra data" sub-table.  The script below includes a function which loops over the extra data on an order, looking for a specified value (in this case, the one with the code of "SHOP-SHIPPING_LINES.0.CODE").  

This script could be assigned to run with a Trigger that searched for new Orders with an Order Source that corresponded to your Shopify shopping cart connection.

function getOrderExtraData(order, code)
   var extraDataList = order.extraOrderData;
   if(extraDataList != null)
      for(var i=0; i<extraDataList.size(); i++)
         var extraData = extraDataList.get(i);
         if(extraData.code == code)

var shippingCode = getOrderExtraData(order, "SHOP-SHIPPING_LINES.0.CODE")
if(shippingCode == null)
   utils.log("Order [" + order.orderNo + "] does not have a shipping code.");

if(shippingCode == "Priority")
   utils.log("Order [" + order.orderNo + "] has shipping code [" + shippingCode + "] - switching order Warehouse");
   order.warehouseId = 47;
   infoplusApi.update("order", order);
   infoplusApi.addTag("order", order.orderNo, "Priority-Shipping");
   infoplusApi.addAudit("order", order.orderNo, "This order's shipping code was 'Priority', so its warehouse was changed via Infoplus Script");

Use Case:  For any Orders from your WooCommerce site, if they have a Gift Message, update the Infoplus Order field Gift Message with the text.

Infoplus stores all data available from the Shopping Cart's API when it pulls orders.  These data all go into the order's "extra data" sub-table.  The script below includes a function which loops over the extra data on an order, looking for a specified value (in this case, the one with the code of "WOO-LINE_ITEMS.0.META.0.VALUE").  

This script should be assigned to run with a Trigger during Insert (when the order is loaded) that searched for new Orders with an Order Source that corresponded to your WooCommerce shopping cart connection.
// Call the order to pull the Extra Order Data from the WooCommerce Shopping Cart Connection 

function getOrderExtraData(order, code)
   var extraDataList = order.extraOrderData;
   if(extraDataList != null)
      for(var i=0; i<extraDataList.size(); i++)
         var extraData = extraDataList.get(i);
         if(extraData.code == code)

// Check for the Gift Message
var giftMessage = getOrderExtraData(order, "WOO-LINE_ITEMS.0.META.0.VALUE")
if(giftMessage == null)
   utils.log("Order [" + order.orderNo + "] does not have a gift message.");

// If Yes, there is a Gift Message, this will add the information to the Infoplus order
if(giftMessage !== null)
   utils.log("Order [" + order.orderNo + "] has a gift message [" + giftMessage + "] - adding Gift Message");
   order.giftMessage = giftMessage;
   infoplusApi.update("order", order);
   infoplusApi.addTag("order", order.orderNo, "WooCommerce-Gift Message Added");
   infoplusApi.addAudit("order", order.orderNo, "This order's gift message was updated, so the Order was changed via Infoplus Script");