When working with scripts within Infoplus you may encounter an instance when you need to use an operator. This article will list the most commonly used JavaScript operators available to Infoplus. 

xDue to the ever-changing nature of writing and maintaining scripts, Infoplus does not provide support in this area. We recommend someone in your IT Department handles scripting requests internally so that you keep all control over the process.

Logical Operators

&&and(x < 10 && y > 1) is true
||or(x === 5 || y === 5) is false
!not!(x === y) is true

Arithmetic Operators

OperatorDescriptionExampleResult in yResult in x
+Additionx = y + 2y = 5x = 7
-Subtractionx = y - 2y = 5x = 3
*Multiplicationx = y * 2y = 5x = 10
/Divisionx = y / 2y = 5x = 2.5
%Modulus (division remainder)x = y % 2y = 5x = 1
++Incrementx = ++yy = 6x = 6
x = y++y = 6x = 5
--Decrementx = --yy = 4x = 4
x = y--y = 4x = 5

Assignment Operators

OperatorExampleSame AsResult in x
=x = yx = yx = 5
+=x += yx = x + yx = 15
-=x -= yx = x - yx = 5
*=x *= yx = x * yx = 50
/=x /= yx = x / yx = 2
%=x %= yx = x % yx = 0

String Operators

+text3 = text1 + text2"Good ""Morning" "Good Morning"
+=text1 += text2"Good Morning""Morning"""

Comparison Operators

==equal tox == 8false
x == 5true
===equal value and equal typex === "5"false
x === 5true
!=not equalx != 8true
!==not equal value or not equal typex !== "5"true
x !== 5false
>greater thanx > 8false
<less thanx < 8true
>=greater than or equal tox >= 8false
<=less than or equal tox <= 8true