There are several things to consider when shipping Orders internationally.  There is additional information required to send to the carriers for international destinations and this should be accurate. 

  1. Product: 
    1. Value - When shipping Orders abroad, it is important to have accurate sell pricing established for the line items on the Order.  These prices will be included on the Commercial invoice (and visible to recipient). A value must be included for each item, even if there is a 100% discount.
    2. Description - Product description for the product will come from the Item's Item Description field.
    3. Commodity Codes: Items being shipped need to be associated with Commodity codes.  See Create Commodity Codes
    4. Country of Origin - This value will be pulled from the Item Receipts that product is allocated from.
    5. Weight - Product weight will be calculated based on the Item Receipt weights that product is allocated from.
  2. Cartonization data:  For multiple carton orders, it is required that these be either:
    1. Cartonized - Can be done at the time of fulfillment.
    2. Pack Station - Orders can be packed at the pack station.
  3. Customs Info.  Additional customs information should be setup.  
    1. Incoterm - Value for handling duties and taxes, defaults to 'DDP' (Delivered Duty Paid)
      1. Values
        1. EXW – Ex Works (named place of delivery)
        2. FCA – Free Carrier (named place of delivery)
        3. CPT – Carriage Paid To (named place of destination)
        4. CIP – Carriage and Insurance Paid to (named place of destination)
        5. DAT – Delivered At Terminal (named terminal at port or place of destination)
        6. DAP – Delivered At Place (named place of destination)
        7. DDP – Delivered Duty Paid (named place of destination)
        8. FAS – Free Alongside Ship (named port of shipment)
        9. FOB – Free on Board (named port of shipment)
        10. CFR – Cost and Freight (named port of destination)
        11. CIF – Cost, Insurance & Freight (named port of destination)
      2. Setting this value to anything other than "DDP" will pass the cost and responsibility of duties on to the recipient of the package(s), as specified by Incoterms rules
      3. To change Incoterm, see Order Property Override (Incoterm)
    2. Non-delivery option, defaults to Return (to shipper) when undeliverable.
    3. Customs Signer 
      1. This is the name of the person who is certifying that the information provided on the customs form is accurate. Use a name of the person in your organization who is responsible for this.
      2. Defaults to "Shipping Supervisor"
    4. When shipping over $2500, AES number must be provided.
    5. Customs Certify directive.  Enables not having to have a signature on the physical customs form. This is how you indicate that the information you have provided is accurate. This value defaults true. 
      1. Values
        1. True
        2. False

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