You can use Kit on Demand (or KOD) in Infoplus to accept an order for a single SKU, which is fulfilled by 1 or more other SKU's (known as Kit Components).  This can be used for many fulfillment scenarios, such as selling a bundle on your shopping cart, where a customer orders one item, but they receive multiple products from you.

If you need to pre-build kits and receive them into inventory as a finished good (as opposed to on demand), see our Jobs feature. 

Viewing an order with a KOD Kit

When you view an order that contains a SKU which is setup as a KOD kit, it will show a triangle next to the SKU.  If you click this triangle, the components of the kit will be displayed below the kit SKU line.  

For example, in the screenshot above, the Order was created for 2 SKUs:  BASIC1 and KOD-UNASSEMBLED1.  When the order was processed for fulfillment, KOD-UNASSEMBLED1 was fulfilled as a KOD Kit, which consisted of 2 component items:  BASIC1 and BASIC2.  Note that now this order will ship 2 units of BASIC1 (1 from the directly ordered line item, one from the KOD component line item).

Here's a screenshot of the Audit on this order, explaining how these line items were evaluated:

Kit Orders automatically generated by Infoplus

When you run fulfillment in Infoplus for an Order which contains a SKU that has a KOD Kit associated with it (and there is 0 available inventory for the Kit SKU), Infoplus will allocate inventory for the components of the Kit.  These component SKUs are fulfilled on a "child" order, automatically created, processed, and marked as shipped by Infoplus. 

You can identify this type of order in Infoplus in 2 ways:  First, they will have a value in the Warehouse Service Type field of "Kit".  Second, they will have the original (or parent) order number set in the field KOD Parent Order No.  

These Kit orders serve the purpose of tracking inventory allocation for KOD component items, and are used by some of the internal functions of Infoplus.  They are not to be directly edited or cancelled by users.  If you unfulfill the parent of one of these orders, then the Kit Order will be unfulfilled and deleted from Infoplus

See Also