When setting up a new Line of Business, you may experience common errors like the ones below. This guide can help you in deciding how to handle some of those errors. 

Error & Resolutions

Admin creates a new Line of Business but other users are unable to see the new Line of BusinessThe Admin needs to go into the User Role table and add the new Line of Business to the users' roles. In addition, a new Line of Business can be added to the user level, if needed as well.
Cannot insert order: Unknown Warehouse: 1731After the new warehouse is set up, the user is required to manually add all Lines of Business to the new warehouse, or else this error will occur during the order process.
Unable to verify Line of Business informationNavigate to Line of Business using the Quick Action key, click on the LOB in question. From this screen, you can quickly view the LOB ID, Name, Code, Warehouse Service Type, SLA Service Days, SLA Cutoff Time, Item Receipt Defaults, Account Status, and any SLA Rules you may have set up.

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