Shopping Cart Connections

Connect Infoplus to Your BigCommerce Site
If you have a BigCommerce eCommerce site, you can integrate the site with Infoplus. When an order is placed on your BigCommerce site, use Infoplus to fulfil...
Thu, 20 Aug, 2020 at 1:51 PM
3PL Customer - Connect Your Shopify Site to Infoplus
If you have a Shopify eCommerce site, you can integrate the site with Infoplus.  With this integration you can automate sending Orders, receiving inventory,...
Fri, 24 Apr, 2020 at 4:36 PM
3PL Customer - Connect Your WooCommerce Site to Infoplus
If you have a WooCommerce site, you can integrate the site with Infoplus.  With this integration you can automate sending Orders, receiving inventory, and f...
Fri, 1 May, 2020 at 8:36 AM
Shopping Cart Connection Actions - Sync Fields
All of the Infoplus Shopping Cart Connections have three fields that control the automation for the carts.  They can be turned off or on at an as needed bas...
Wed, 2 Sep, 2020 at 1:45 PM
Shopping Cart Connection Actions - Manual Processes
With the Shopping Cart Connections, there are manual processes that can be run against either a Shopping Cart Connection record or against an Order.  Sh...
Tue, 25 Aug, 2020 at 11:10 AM