If you use an external Shopping Cart provider (e.g. Shopify, Magento, etc.), connect your Shopping Cart with Infoplus. Orders and inventory information will automatically flow back and forth between your Shopping Cart and Infoplus. 

Shopping Carts Infoplus Connects with:

  • Shopify
  • Magento 1 & 2
  • WooCommerce
  • Channel Advisor
  • eBay
  • BigCommerce

Links to Our Shopping Cart Setup Articles:

For information around setting up eBay, contact Infoplus Support. They will discuss your shopping cart connection needs and answer any questions you have.

Generic Settings

These are the settings that are available for all of the carts mentioned above.  

Sync Fields

There are three fields that drive whether automation is applied on each Shopping Cart Connection:

  • Sync Orders
  • Sync Inventory
  • Sync Tracking Data

To read more about their functionality, please go to Shopping Cart Connection Actions - Sync Fields for further detailed information. 

Add / Edit Carrier Mappings

This setup has to be completed so that when Orders are sent from the cart to Infoplus, Infoplus will assign the correct carrier service on the Order that is created.  

Note: a default carrier can be added if customers do not care about specific mappings and want all Orders to receive the same carrier service. 

Here is the Knowledge Base article around this process: Add/Edit Carrier Mappings in Shopping Cart Connections

Item Filter

In this field, Item Filter, users are able to set a Smart Filter on the Shopping Cart Connection.  

Adding an Item Filter containing specific items that are to be included when syncing Infoplus inventory levels to your external shopping cart.  Note: if all Items for the LOB on the Shopping Cart Connection need to be synced, leave this blank.

One example where users use this feature is for Items that another company fulfills the product or for digital products that are not physically fulfilled.  When an Order comes in for 1 Item that is in the filter and 1 item that is not, the item that is not in the filter will not be created on the Order in Infoplus.  

Order Shipment Level

The Order Shipment Level controls how the order tracking information is communicated back to the shopping cart

Note:  cancelations to orders are not transmitted via the Shopping Cart Connection. Thus, canceled orders should be canceled in Infoplus and in the Shopping Cart.

Item Level

When Item Level is selected, Infoplus will communicate Line Item tracking and order information.  

For example, a backorder happens for an Order, only the Item(s) that are fulfilled will communicate the fulfilled status and tracking numbers back to the shopping cart.  The Item(s) that were unable to be fulfilled will still show as awaiting fulfillment until they are fulfilled. 

Note: This is the most used option out of the two.

Order Level

When Order Level is selected, Infoplus will communicate Order tracking and order information.  In the same scenario for Item Level, the entire Order would be marked as fulfilled, even though technically all of the Item(s) were not fulfilled.

SKU Mapping Fields

These fields will control what field in Infoplus and the Shopping Cart will be used to match the Items between the two sites. 

Infoplus SKU

Here is where you will tell Infoplus which field on the Item table Infoplus contains the value that will match the Item with the Shopping Cart. 

Fields that can be used: 

  • ID (Infoplus generated number)
  • SKU (Most common)
  • UPC
  • Vendor SKU
  • Any Custom Field that is created

Shopping Cart SKU

Here is where you will tell Infoplus which field from the Shopping Cart contains the value that will match the field set on the Infoplus SKU field. The options will be different for each unique cart. 

Inventory Level Warehouse Control

Here is where users can choose if all or specific Warehouses, from Infoplus, are used to control the inventory for the Shopping Carts. 

Sync Inventory Cron String

By default Infoplus runs the inventory sync, if Sync Inventory is turned on, every 15 minutes.  Here users can choose a customized cron schedule for when the inventory runs.

Example cron strings:

  • Every Minute
    • 0 0/1 * * * ?
  • Every Hour
    • 0 0 * * * ?

*Please note that all schedules created in Infoplus run on central standard time.

Scripts for Shopping Cart Connections

The Shopping Cart Connection can have scripts added to them.  Below are some example script knowledge base articles: 

Troubleshooting Tips

Stay informed of any updates between Infoplus Commerce and any of the above shopping cart connections.